Man Song Gong pu erh has always been seen as a status drink. Demand outstrip supply manifold and getting the real stuff is almost impossible if you are not well connected. Mountain prices of high demand tea the like of Lao Ban Zhang dropped slightly this year but Man Song Gong is reverse; there is incessant chase for this tea that once graced the imperial court.
The smell of the dry leaves is intensely sweet, so is the brew itself. Leaves are smallish in size and comprises of many buds. This confirms well characters of Man Song and the early spring from which it was plucked. It brews up bright yellow and clear soup.

On the palate, it's both subtle and fine. One will only find small amount of astringency when it's cold. The thick soup will coat your mouth thinly with oil and lubricates your throat. There is good amount of rock sugar kind of sweetness in this tea. The long calming yun leaves good qi in the core of my body.
The tea lasts at least 30 infusions over 2 days. Although it's still very tasty after that, I left it when the long calming effects waned.

There aren't many of them left in the store and most of them were sold during pre-order.
2015 Chen Yuan Hao Man Song Gong Yi Bang Zheng Shan (2015 陈远号 曼松贡 倚邦正山) Tea Review
Man Song Gong pu erh has always been seen as a status drink. Demand outstrip supply manifold and getting the real stuff is almost impossible if you are not well connected. Mountain prices of high demand tea the like of Lao Ban Zhang dropped slightly this year but Man Song Gong is reverse; there is incessant chase for this tea that once graced the imperial court.
The smell of the dry leaves is intensely sweet, so is the brew itself. Leaves are smallish in size and comprises of many buds. This confirms well characters of Man Song and the early spring from which it was plucked. It brews up bright yellow and clear soup.
On the palate, it's both subtle and fine. One will only find small amount of astringency when it's cold. The thick soup will coat your mouth thinly with oil and lubricates your throat. There is good amount of rock sugar kind of sweetness in this tea. The long calming yun leaves good qi in the core of my body.
The tea lasts at least 30 infusions over 2 days. Although it's still very tasty after that, I left it when the long calming effects waned.
There aren't many of them left in the store and most of them were sold during pre-order.